Unlock your

REMOkey translates your textile sustainability data into clear figures and provides you with a powerful communication tool.

Transparency and credibility can give you the edge as a brand or producer. Especially when it comes to sustainability claims.

REMOkey calculates, labels and visualizes the benefits of your use of recycled materials. Providing you with a clear and effective ‘messenger’ to inform your customers and express your environmental savings.


    A big plus for your brand

    REMOkey translates your raw sustainability data into clear and understandable figures. Expressing the environmental benefits of using raw recycled materials in: water savings, C02 and energy reductions.


    Let’s be clear

    Circular solutions and responsible consumption are increasingly becoming a part of our lives. Showing your ‘recycled content’ contribution makes it easier for people to make the right choice. But beware of vague sustainability claims. Building trust among customers requires independent validation.


    Help people make the right choice

    Responsible production and consumption is the way forward. REMOkey helps you share reliable information on your environmental savings and offers you the tools for connecting with your customers. Not only through the REMOkey label, but also with a professional customized web page that offers you rich possibilities for sharing your story.

    Our process in 4 steps:


    4S assessment & RIS data processing


    Environmental savings of the recycled material


    Creating REMOkey label & your product landingpage


    Start sharing your story with your customers!

    Your next steps to get started

    • Schedule a call

    • Tell us your story and needs

    • Receive a custom offer within 24 hours